I found this week's book at Cozy Corner Books and Coffee in Bellingham. If you live nearby, I'll be returning it for credit on future book purchases.

Like me, Pete came from a camping family. Unlike me, he aspired to become "a mountain man." It began with reading mountain man stories. Then it morphed into camping adventures around Missoula. Then the opportunity arose to work eight months from mid-October to mid-June in the Bitterroot Wilderness living in a tent forty miles from the nearest plowed road tending half a million salmon eggs.
After the wardens dropped Pete off at his tent and gave him some cursory instructions, he was on his own. Fortunately, Pete did have enough outdoor experience to survive, even thrive. Through Pete's story I traveled snowbound trails and roads, listened to the silence, saw the wildlife, and dreamed of outdoor adventures of my own. I highly recommend you put on your snowshoes and come along for the trek.
Check your local used bookstore or you can purchase it online at Amazon.com. If you have a Kindle, it's available with the title Indian Creek Chronicles: A Winter Alone in the Bitterroot Wilderness. -- Margy